The Jazz Standard, a leading New York City jazz club, has announced they will give the proceeds from all future online ticket sales to a charity focused on helping jazz musicians.

In a press release announcing the move, the club selected the Jazz Foundation of America (JFA) as the charity to receive the proceeds, as well as benefit from additional exposure as performers and management at the club encourage patrons to donate directly to the JFA.
“The Jazz Foundation of America provides such a vital service to the jazz and blues musicians within our immediate community and beyond,” Jazz Standard Artist Director Seth Abramson said in a statement. “We are honored and humbled to be partnering with JFA in support of their lifesaving work.”
The Jazz Foundation of America was founded in 1989 with the broad intent of preserving the history and securing the future of jazz. It has since evolved into the largest charity that provides essential financial and personal support to the elder statesmen and women of jazz; including help with medical bills, emergency housing assistance, and social services.
Cecil Payne, Fats Domino, Clark Terry, and Freddie Hubbard are just a few of the people that have been helped by the foundation over the years.
The JFA also supports a robust education program that sees some of the biggest names in jazz introduce young children to jazz music.
“The success of clubs and the well-being of musicians should always go hand in hand,” JFA Vice Chairwoman Wendy Oxenhorn said. “Thanks to our partnership… this is happening in the most beautiful way.”
The Jazz Foundation of America raised a total of $2,905,204 in their 2013 tax year with the support of media giants like CBS and Time Warner, financial service organizations like UBS, E*Trade, and Citigroup, and countless other individuals and organizations. Here’s hoping other venues follow The Jazz Standard’s example.
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